Wildlife on the Run

Mixed conifer forests, like those in the Sierra Nevada, have evolved with the regular incidence of fire occurring every 5 to 300 years, depending on the local climate.

Born to Run: California Valley Quail

Imagine a bird with an identity crisis. Surely it would be the California quail. Even though quite capable of flying, in most cases this colorful bird has forsaken this magnificent talent in favor of running. Why remain grounded when the world of flight offers such rich possibilities? The answer lies in the woodland chaparral the quail occupies—a habitat rich in food, cover, and security.

Woody Woodpecker

Have you ever hiked in the woods and heard a loud drumming resonating through the forest? Most likely you’ve been lucky enough to hear the elusive Pileated Woodpecker, the largest of the common woodpeckers in North America.

Paul Stein Speaker Bio

Paul Stein served as the Chief Deputy Director of the California Department of Fish & Game. The attached speaker biography was used while being introduced at functions he was invited to speak.