Born to Run: California Valley Quail

Imagine a bird with an identity crisis. Surely it would be the California quail. Even though quite capable of flying, in most cases this colorful bird has forsaken this magnificent talent in favor of running. Why remain grounded when the world of flight offers such rich possibilities? The answer lies in the woodland chaparral the quail occupies—a habitat rich in food, cover, and security.

Woody Woodpecker

Have you ever hiked in the woods and heard a loud drumming resonating through the forest? Most likely you’ve been lucky enough to hear the elusive Pileated Woodpecker, the largest of the common woodpeckers in North America.

Not So Dumb Turkey

In 1621, the original American Colonists held a feast in Plymouth to celebrate their first harvest. These Pilgrims were dressed in black and white with buckles on their shoes. They invited Wampanoag Indians, and everyone gobbled down turkey and pumpkin pie.