Have you ever hiked in the woods and heard a loud drumming resonating through the forest? Most likely you’ve been lucky enough to hear the elusive Pileated Woodpecker, the largest of the common woodpeckers in North America.
Not Your Average Bear
American black bears feature prominently in folklore and mythology. They are revered by the Native Americans, symbolizing strength and endurance. Probably the most iconic of black bears is Smokey the Bear—the mascot of the United States Forest Service, so named after a cub that was rescued at Lincoln National Forest in the spring of 1950.
Preserving Calaveras County’s Valuable Water: CCWD
The Calaveras County Water District is dedicated to protecting, enhancing and developing the rich water resources to the highest beneficial use for Calaveras County, while maintaining cost-conscious, reliable service, and quality of life, through responsible management.
Transportation In Motion: Calaveras County Council of Governments
Calaveras Council of Governments was created in 1998 to act as the lead planning and administrative agency for transportation projects and funding programs in Calaveras County.
Not So Dumb Turkey
In 1621, the original American Colonists held a feast in Plymouth to celebrate their first harvest. These Pilgrims were dressed in black and white with buckles on their shoes. They invited Wampanoag Indians, and everyone gobbled down turkey and pumpkin pie.
Stein chosen to lead Board of Supervisors in 2003
The Calaveras Board unanimously elected District 2 Supervisor Paul Stein, of West Point, as chairman of the board for 2003.
Supervisor Paul Stein may run for State Senate
Stein’s term ends in January 2005. Stein is the chairman of the Board of Supervisors. He was elected in 1996 and re-elected in 2000.
Stein Won’t Run for Third Term in Calaveras County
Calaveras County Supervisor Paul Stein has decided not to seek re-election next spring to a third term as District 2 supervisor.
A leap from the past: California red-legged frogs
So what species was most likely the celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County? Mark Twain’s story was first published in 1865 and Bullfrogs weren’t introduced until around 1890, so most experts agree that if the story were true, Dan’l Webster would have been a California red-legged frog.
Stein Elected President of CSAC
Supervisor Paul Stein was chosen last week as President of the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) for 2004. Stein is only the second supervisor from Calaveras elected to the post in the 104 year history of the association.